At Green Leaf Tree Service, we understand the importance of providing tree pruning and trimming for your trees to keep them healthy and safe. Our tree trimming and pruning services are the best preventative measures to ensure that your trees don’t die from unhealthy growing and that the tree limbs or the tree itself don’t become dangerous hazards to you, your loved ones, or your property.
Tree Pruning & Our Process
Pruning is the number one preventative safety measure in the case of tree death and overgrowth issues. We will come out to your commercial or residential property and pull or cut off all the little stems branching off your tree. If this process is not done, these stems can eventually affect the health of your tree and cause it to die prematurely. Additionally, these uncut stems can grow into massive branches that can become hazardous to the tree and your property.
Tree Trimming & Our Process
Trimming is necessary to prevent or correct the overgrowth of trees on your commercial or residential properties. Overgrowth can cause damage to the property and to the tree itself if it’s not maintained. Trimming is mainly used to remove diseased or dead wood while stimulating the new growth of fruit and flower buds in fruit trees, giving them better productivity and, often, better-quality fruit. We will come out to your property and assess the current state of the trees we’ll be working on. We’ll take note of any dead or diseased branches and make sure we remove all those pieces so that the disease cannot spread to other parts of the tree. We will then go in with our equipment, cut out all the overgrowth and problem areas, and shape your tree to promote better growth of limbs and leaves as well as fruits and flowers.
For more information and pricing on our tree pruning and trimming services, contact us now, and a member of our team will be happy to help you!
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